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Posted By Legal Team | February 27 2024 | Car Accidents

How Does a Car Accident Claim Work in Georgia?

There are several states in the U.S. with no-fault insurance laws. For instance, Florida requires car accident victims to file claims against their own insurance after an accident regardless of who caused the accident. However, in Georgia, it matters who causes a car accident. Georgia’s fault-based insurance laws hold each driver accountable for an accident…

Posted By Legal Team | February 16 2024 | Car Accidents

[Analysis] The Deadliest Intersections in America

Roughly 1 in 4 fatal car crashes in the United States happens at an intersection, according to data from the National Highway Transit Safety Administration — a figure that speaks to the delicate balancing act that intersections require, often involving vehicles on smaller, slower roads entering or crossing larger, faster thoroughfares. In fact, over 18…

Posted By Legal Team | December 28 2023 | Georgia Laws, Wrongful Death

Georgia’s Wrongful Death Laws

It always feels wrong to the surviving family members when a loved one dies, but according to Georgia’s wrongful death laws, the state classifies a death as wrongful if it was an unjustified death caused by another person or business entity. We all owe a duty to take reasonable actions to prevent causing harm or…

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