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Airbag Injuries

The development of airbags and requirements for airbag installation in all newly produced automobiles has saved many thousands of lives. Airbags have reduced driver deaths in car accidents by about 29% and front-seat passenger deaths by 32%. We count on airbags to reduce our chances of serious injuries and deaths but airbags themselves also cause specific types of injuries during crashes, especially when they don’t deploy correctly or seatbelts fail to minimize the motorist’s contact with the airbag. 

After suffering airbag injuries in a car accident in Georgia, you may be able to obtain additional compensation through a claim against the airbag manufacturer or installation specialist, depending on the circumstances of the accident.

What Causes Airbag Injuries?

The sensors built into airbag systems must be expertly calibrated to deploy when needed in a collision. Airbag deployment is incredibly forceful, fully inflating in microseconds after a collision to protect the motorist against an impact with the steering wheel or dash. Some newer vehicles also have side-impact airbags to protect against side collisions in T-bone car accidents. When the sensors trigger an inflation, the airbag detonates outward with a powerful impact. Direct impact with an inflating airbag often causes injuries to the face and upper body ranging from mild contusions to far more serious injuries.

Common Airbag Injuries in Car Accidents In Georgia

The face and upper thoracic area of the body are vulnerable to airbag injuries such as the following:

  • Facial trauma, including a broken nose, orbital bone injuries, fractured cheekbones, and dental trauma
  • Eye injuries
  • Ear injuries
  • Soft-tissue injuries to the shoulder
  • Broken collarbones
  • Broken ribs
  • Contusions across the upper portion of the chest
  • Hand and wrist injuries in drivers holding the steering wheel during airbag deployment

In the most severe cases, airbag injuries can cause aortic rupture and heart damage—a life-threatening emergency. Working with a wrongful death lawyer in Atlanta in fatal airbag injury cases can help families of victims seek compensation.

Did an Airbag Malfunction Cause More Severe Injury In a Car Accident?

When an airbag has a design defect, manufacturing error, or installation problem, it can cause more severe injuries. An example of this is the massive recall issued for Takata airbags which included components that deteriorated over time, resulting in deadly shrapnel exploding into the vehicle during detonation, causing many injuries and several deaths.

Airbag malfunctions may cause more serious injuries in an accident. Examples of malfunctions include:

  • Improper sensor calibration, which may cause airbags to deploy in a minor collision or bump, or fail to deploy when needed
  • Overly forceful deployment
  • Faulty on-off airbag switches
  • Malfunctioning electrical system
  • Improper installation or re-installation after an earlier accident

In some cases, product liability lawyers in Atlanta explain that design flaws can result in an inherently dangerous airbag that causes serious injuries during an accident.

Who Is Liable for an Airbag Injury?

In a fault-based car accident insurance state like Georgia, the injury victim must prove liability from an at-fault party to recover their damages. After an accident with airbag injuries, the driver who caused the accident is liable for damages up to the limit of their insurance policy. However, if a defective airbag caused injuries due to a design defect, marketing mistake, or manufacturing error, the injury victim has to prove that one of those errors occurred rather than proving negligence. In addition to obtaining compensation from an at-fault driver, a personal injury lawyer in Atlanta can help an injury victim recover additional compensation through a claim or lawsuit against:

  • A vehicle manufacturer
  • An airbag manufacturer
  • An airbag installer or replacement specialist who incorrectly installed an airbag 

If the airbag injuries occurred due to malfunctioning seatbelts meant to work in conjunction with the airbags, a seatbelt manufacturer or installer may be liable for damages.

How Can a Car Accident Lawyer In Georgia Help?

Proving fault for airbag injuries requires a detailed investigation and careful documentation of evidence. Call Piasta Walker Hagenbush, LLC for experienced representation by car accident lawyers in Atlanta who explore all avenues for your compensation.

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