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What to Do If You Are Injured By a Reckless Driver

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Posted By Legal Team | September 18 2024 | Car Accidents

We’ve all witnessed a reckless driver speeding past, weaving through traffic lanes, and dangerously tailgating other drivers to push them forward, but what if a brush with a reckless driver is more than an alarming sight but an actual brush or a serious collision? All accidents are frightening, but when you’re injured by a reckless driver, it’s particularly alarming. In addition to painful injuries, you face the fear of the other driver’s reactions and the possibility of legal concerns. So, what should you do after an accident caused by a reckless driver?

What to Do at the Scene of a Reckless Driving Accident

Naturally, severe injuries in an accident may prevent you from being able to do anything other than wait for emergency services to arrive, but if you’re able to use a cell phone safely—or ask an uninjured person to use your phone or theirs—taking specific steps helps to protect your health and your financial future. Use a phone to do the following:

  • First, call 911 to report the accident and request the police and other emergency services
  • Use your phone’s camera to take photos of the damaged vehicles in their position before they are moved
  • Record a brief description of what you remember about the moments leading up to the accident, especially the other driver’s reckless actions
  • If the other driver is approachable, add their contact information to your phone (if the reckless driver is angry or threatening, do not approach them for information, instead, let the police collect their name and insurance information)
  • Add the contact information of any nearby eyewitnesses—eyewitnesses are sometimes the key to proving the other driver’s liability if there are no traffic cameras in the area of the crash
  • Report the driver’s actions to the police when they arrive (avoid saying anything that could be construed as admitting fault)

Specialized personal injury attorneys in Atlanta suggest to always go directly from the accident to the hospital, either in the ambulance or by arranging transportation if you feel your injuries are minor. At the hospital, tell the doctor about every symptom, even if it’s subtle. Some injuries take hours or days to develop noticeable symptoms after an accident, including whiplash, internal organ injuries, and serious traumatic brain injuries. Ask the doctor for a detailed medical report.

When a Reckless Driver Causes an Accident In Georgia

According to Georgia Code §40-6-390, the law states that reckless driving is an offense with the following description of reckless driving:

“Any person who drives any vehicle in reckless disregard for the safety of persons or property commits the offense of reckless driving.”

Reckless driving is a punishable misdemeanor offense in Georgia, with up to $1,000 in fines, or up to 12 months in prison. It also leaves the reckless driver liable for damages to injury victims, like medical expenses, lost wages, and compensation for pain and suffering. 

Protecting Yourself After an Accident Caused by a Reckless Driver

When an accident results from another driver’s reckless, unlawful actions behind the wheel, law enforcement officers may charge the driver with a criminal offense as well as a traffic violation. This means you may be called to testify or to provide a deposition describing the events that led to the accident. As an injury victim, you also have the right to file a claim against an at-fault driver’s insurance to compensate you for the economic and non-economic damages caused to you by the accident. This means you must present evidence of the reckless driver’s liability.

By hiring an Atlanta car accident lawyer, you can focus on recovering from the physical and emotional trauma of the accident while your attorney compiles evidence to make a strong case for maximum compensation for your damages.

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